Meijer Stores

Meijer is a regional American supermarket chain based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Founded in 1934 as a supermarket chain, Meijer is credited with pioneering the modern supercenter concept in 1962. About half of the company's 181 locations are located in Michigan, with additional locations in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky. (copied from

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I realize this only makes American commercialism worse by posting this blog, but if we are going to have to live with commercials, it is at least good to know that there are some people who can make them worth while. Meijer, along with being a superior super-store, has also hired and excellent marketing company and put out some very entertaining commercials. I am currently trying to find some of the best commercials for your enjoyment. Hope you like these.

1 comment:

--John.and.Amy said...

So last night at dinner, Tom and Jody started talking about Meijer commercials that they had watched on your blog. They thought they were very funny. Thank you for providing entertainment for the whole family :)