Meijer Stores

Meijer is a regional American supermarket chain based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Founded in 1934 as a supermarket chain, Meijer is credited with pioneering the modern supercenter concept in 1962. About half of the company's 181 locations are located in Michigan, with additional locations in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky. (copied from

Friday, April 3, 2009

Meijer Mealbox to the Rescue

My friend Kristi wanted me to share with my Meijer blog readers a recent event involving a pork steak. I don't really know what a pork steak is, so here is a picture.

I guess it is like a beef steak, only pork.

It turns out that Krisit didn't really know what a pork steak was either. I am not sure if she bought it because of the great price or if she was just curious. Anyway, she found herself Monday evening particularly perplexed with a piece of pig. She then remembered the Meijer Mealbox widget on this blog and thought there might be a recipe. Turns out she was right and dinner was a success! I don't know what a pork steak goes for these days, but pork loin is on sale for $1.79 a pound this week.

Feel free to share your favorite Pork recipes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

it is true. the pork steak was a success.
as for recipes involving pork... here is my all-time favorite.

1.) grab your wallet
2.) drive to Grabill Inn
3.) order pulled pork with extra pickles
4.) enjoy your delicious meal